
Mom life is complex, 
but it doesn't have to be complicated.




How To Slow Down + Find Balance

Picture of woman sitting on a chair + journaling with text overlay 'Episode 10: How to slow down'

Feeling overwhelmed with the busyness of mom life? This episode of the Mom Life Handbook is all about taking a step back, slowing down, and bringing a much-needed dose of intentionality to your day-to-day.

If you’re feeling like there’s always too much on your plate, or if you’re constantly questioning if you’re doing this whole mom thing ‘right’, then this episode is going to show you how to slow down + focus on what really matters. toyou. We’re going to chat about honing in on your real priorities, taking a second look at those tasks that may not need your immediate attention, and drawing some boundaries to protect your time and energy. We’ll also tackle how to redefine what success looks like for you, beyond the societal ‘perfect mom’ myth.

So, if you’re ready to get a handle on the busy + learn how to slow down, tune in. It’s all about finding clarity, taking back control, and creating a mom life that feels more intentional and less like a whirlwind. We’re in this together, mama—let’s dive in!

In This Episode:

  1. You’ll learn to focus your time and energy effectively, leading to less stress + more fulfillment in your daily tasks.
  2. You’ll uncover any expectations or commitments that may not be serving you or your family right now.
  3. You’ll reduce the weight of responsibility on your shoulders, making more time for self-care + quality moments with your family.
  4. You’ll start to combat the pressure of societal ‘perfect mom’ standards, and encourage you to celebrate your unique journey, fostering self-love and acceptance.
  5. You’ll develop the mindset to help cultivate a healthier work-life balance, giving you the peace and mental space to truly enjoy your time with your loved ones and yourself.
image of woman on chair with journal and text overlay 'how to slow down + find balance: Feeling overwhelmed by mom life? Tune in to discover 5 reflection questions that will transform your approach to mom life, helping you prioritize, set boundaries, and find clarity. 

Join us as we craft a practical and intentional approach that brings ease to your everyday life.'

Highlights From This Episode:

  • (0:00:00) – Simplifying Mom Life (5 Minutes)
    We all know that feeling of being overwhelmed by the hustle and bustle of life, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Today, I’m here to help you find a way to make more progress in your mom life journey without feeling overwhelmed. We’ll look at how taking a breath, focusing on what really matters and saying no can help simplify things and make room for the things and people you love. I’m going to provide five reflection questions to help you identify areas where you can take a more personalized approach to mom life and provide clarity on your priorities, success and boundaries to protect your time and energy. Together, we’ll create an approach that’s practical, intentional and gives you the confidence and clarity you need to bring more ease to your everyday life.

  • (0:05:05) – Slowing Down to Gain Momentum (14 Minutes)
    Do you find yourself pushing through the hard and busy days? It’s time to hit pause and take an introspective look. I’m here to help you evaluate where you are now, what’s serving you, and what’s not. Let’s spend some time looking into five questions that will provide you with clarity on what’s causing the busyness and how to solve the problem. Let’s start by identifying your core priorities and why they are important to you.

  • (0:18:53) – Encouragement for Simplifying Mom Life (2 Minutes)
    It’s time to take a step back and evaluate the things that bring more purpose and intention into your life. Today, I’m here to help you find a balance between simplifying and creating more ease. We’ll identify and prioritize the areas of your life that need more attention, so that you can create a meaningful journey for you and your family. I’m here to remind you that you’re doing an incredible job and I’m cheering you on every step of the way.

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Plus, if you haven’t already, hit the follow button because I’ve got a a great lineup of episodes ready to drop + I’d hate for you to miss out. I’ll see ya over there + I can’t wait for us to simplify mom life—together.

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Mom life is complex,
but it doesn't have to be complicated.