
Mom life is complex, 
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The Mental Load of Motherhood: 3 Tips to Managing it Effectively

Image of woman writing in a journal with the text overlay "The mental load of motherhood: 3 strategies to manage it more effectively"

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The Mental Load of Motherhood

As moms, we have SO MUCH to keep track of + remember. On top of that, we care deeply + there is a lot of processing + worry that goes on in our minds that we take on. This is what we call the mental load of motherhood.

This leads to an incredible amount of stress, anxiety + sense of overwhelm that can negatively impact our emotional + mental wellbeing—not to mention our relationships + ability to deal with the stress of everyday life.

I went live today to talk about this mental load + 3 ways to manage it effectively. Throw on some headphones because this is a LIVE you don’t want to miss!

Tip #1: Let Go of Whatever Doesn’t Serve You

If you cannot control the outcome of whatever is weighing on your mind, let go of it. I know that is really hard to do because we care deeply + want what’s best. But if you have no control over it, this is time, energy + effort wasted. Not to mention that you are adding stress + anxiety to your mental load when you focus on the things that you have no control over.

When it comes to managing the mental load, putting your efforts into problem-solving + strategizing around the things that you can control will be more productive + will contribute to relieving your stress. Give it a try!

Tip #2: Have Productive Conversation

It’s easy to vent + have it turn into a complaining sesh. I know it can feel good to get it out, but try to focus your conversations on sourcing feedback + new perspective that can benefit you! Turn to your trusted friends, therapist, coach or family that will be effective sounding boards.

Remember that I’m always here for you! You can check out my 1:1 or group coaching here. We really focus on practical solutions to difficult solutions so that you are in control + feel confident in the actions you take as a result of my support. I’ve got you!!

If it’s friends or family you’re turning to, try using voice texts or apps like Marco Polo to connect. It will feel like a conversation even when you don’t have time for a complete phone call–that goes a long way when you need personal connection.

Tip #3: Try Journaling

No, this is not your 8th-grade journal. I promise!! Instead, just use a blank journal to get your thoughts on paper–unfiltered. I try to do this every morning before the rest of the house wakes up. I dedicate 10 minutes of writing by hand. It often starts with, “I have nothing to write. I don’t really have much to say…Oh, I do need to remember to make a grocery list today because we are totally out of fruit.”

Eventually, a random tangent turns into effectively processing your thoughts. Sometimes it’s as straightforward as generating your to-do list for the day, other times it goes a lot deeper. Either way, once you get those thoughts out of your mind + onto paper, it will feel like that mental load has been lifted. It’s documented on paper + you’re not necessarily responsible for holding it in your mind.

Check In With Your Mental Load

It’s such a long road to explore what you’re holding on to mentally + there certainly is no straight path in learning to unburden yourself. Raising your awareness is such an important first step but also remember that these three, simple exercises I shared today will help you do get started. Let me know in the comments below—do one of these strategies stand out to you in particular? Or maybe, you have another strategy that’s been helpful to you that you’d like to share. I love hearing from you and about your experience—don’t hesitate to join in on the conversation.

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