
Mom life is complex, 
but it doesn't have to be complicated.




How To Be A Calm Parent: 5 Strategies for Tough Parenting Moments

image of woman holding a leaf with text overlay 'episode 12 How To Be A Calm Parent'

In this episode of the Mom Life Handbook, we’re diving deep into a topic that hits home for so many of us: how to be a calm parent. For all the busy millennial moms out there who sometimes feel they’re on a hair-trigger, who feel like they’re not handling stressful situations with their preschoolers or elementary-aged children as well as they’d like, this one’s for you.

We start off by shedding light on our own nervous system, understanding how it impacts our reactions, and how we can take charge of it. You’ll be amazed at how this simple understanding can significantly shift the way you navigate your mom life.

Then we’ll move on to practical techniques like deep breathing, something you can easily fit into your busy schedule. This isn’t your typical advice; we’re talking about using compassion to navigate tense moments and asking ourselves two crucial questions that can change the dynamics of our interactions. We’re also going to be brutally honest about the importance of taking a break. As busy moms, sometimes we see this as a luxury, but in reality, it’s a necessity for us to show up as the best version of ourselves for our kids.

This isn’t just about providing tips; it’s about creating lasting change in your life. And trust me, the change is not just possible, it’s attainable. Remember, you’re not alone in this journey. So, join me in this episode, and let’s embark on this journey together towards becoming calmer, happier parents.

In This Episode:

  1. You’ll gain a deeper understanding of how your reactions to stress are linked to your nervous system, equipping you with the knowledge to better navigate stressful parenting moments.
  2. You’ll learn a simple and effective deep-breathing technique that can be used at any time to regain calm and composure, supporting you in maintaining a balanced emotional state amidst the chaos.
  3. You’ll discover how choosing compassion over teaching in tense situations can transform your parenting experiences, fostering stronger and more understanding relationships with your children.
  4. You’ll grasp the importance of identifying what both you and your child need in stressful situations, allowing you to respond with empathy and wisdom rather than reacting impulsively.
  5. You’ll embrace the value and necessity of taking a break, acknowledging that self-care isn’t just about indulgence, but crucial to your overall well-being and effectiveness as a parent.

Highlights From This Episode:

  • Managing Parenting Stress and Staying Calm | 0:00
    We’ll explore the power of compassion, the importance of understanding our own needs alongside our children’s needs, and practical strategies to help us stay composed in our parenting journey. We’ll start with an easy to grasp understanding of our nervous system and move into a deep breathing exercise. Plus, I’ll share my own experience of how challenging it can be to remain calm in the face of parenting stress. Let’s take a step towards a more peaceful and balanced approach to motherhood together.
  • Stress Response and Its Impact | 7:42
    We discuss the role of the amygdala, the hypothalamus, and the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems in managing stress. We emphasize the importance of recognizing and managing stress in order to have effective parenting skills and provide useful signs to look out for when our families are too stressed.
  • Calming Stress, Building Resilience Strategies | 14:36
    As parents, it’s so important to take care of ourselves before we can show up for our children. We look at five strategies to help us come out of a state of stress and into our parasympathetic system. Deep breathing and box breathing exercises can help us to regulate our stressed state, as well as how we can teach these techniques to our kids. It’s a lifelong skill that’s valuable for everyone.
  • Choosing Compassion and Taking Breaks | 21:09
    We consider the power of choosing compassion over teaching in difficult moments. We reflect on the importance of self-reflection and identifying our own needs and those of our children. We learn how to show up compassionately and foster a closer bond and respect with our children. We explore how taking a break is not the same as a time out, and how it can provide a safe space for ourselves and our children to learn how to regulate and manage emotions.

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Mom life is complex,
but it doesn't have to be complicated.