
Mom life is complex, 
but it doesn't have to be complicated.




Tips for Busy Moms: Your Questions Answered

Questions from Busy Moms answered

Ever have those struggles as a busy mom where you just wish someone would tell you what you could try differently? It’s never easy to solve your own problems because you understand the complexities at hand. Having external perspective can be so helpful. While I really support busy moms on a personal level in private coaching, I like to do these Q+A sessions to help give you some quick solutions to get you started! This week’s session focused on screen time and behavior problems, toy management and

Be sure to watch or listen to the live session below. But if you want a quick overview, keep reading!

Watch this week’s live Q+A

How do I avoid meltdowns after screen time?

Set Realistic Expectations

Decide in advance how long you want your child to be on their device. There can be a correlation between screen time and behavior problems, so limiting time on the device can help to minimize that outcome. If you’d like, you can find the current screen time recommendations here from the AACCAP, as well as the AAP.

Communicate Your Expectations

Many post-screen time meltdowns happen because there was unclear communication between the parent + child around when the screen would have to be shutdown. Do some pre-correction before screen time begins by clearly communicating your expectations around acceptable use, how long they can be on their device + what they will do when the time is over. This really helps your child know what to expect + go along with the plan.

Help to Manage Expectations

Be sure to set a timer (or have your child do it if they’re old enough) so that when it goes off, the device gets turned off. It can be helpful to give a 10- or 5-minute warning for those kids who need a heads up. Alternatively, if you know your child will be watching a show that is 30-minutes long you can set an expectation of 1 or 2 episodes + give your child a friendly reminder before the show ends that this is the last episode.

When that timer does sound, keep the transition positive. A simple, “Oh, there’s the timer! Please turn off your device so that we can [go for a walk].” It won’t always work, but approach their disappointment with empathy. When your child is having fun, it can be upsetting to see that end. It’s okay to support the big emotions while also holding firm to your boundary.

What am I supposed to do with all of these toys? I’m constantly cleaning them up!

This is a real challenge for so many busy moms! The first recommendation is to make sure that you keep toys to one or two zones of the house. In terms of toy management, make sure that you keep them to one or two zones in the house. This makes it easier for everyone to know where the toys belong + their are more easily maintained.

If you really want support organizing that playroom, I’d love to have you join my workshop! We really dive into your goals for your kids’ playtime, how to curate a toy collection that helps your family achieve those goals + how to streamline toy management so that it’s handled easily on a day-to-day basis. If you’re interested, register here!

I never get anything done with the kids interrupting me–what can I do about it?

Shift Your Mindset

One of the best things you can do first is to recognize that you’re going to be interrupted. If you set yourself up with the expectation that you won’t be interrupted, you’re setting yourself up for frustration. Instead, lead with the understanding that you’re likely to be interrupted + you’ll be pleasantly surprised when you aren’t!

Be Specific

If there are windows of time when you really cannot be interrupted, be sure to communicate this clearly to your kids in advance. You want to make sure that you explain where you will be + what you will be doing + when you’ll be available again. You also want to make sure that your kids know where they will be + what they will be doing + what they can do if they’re feeling like they need you.

Stay Consistent

Be patient. I know as busy moms, this can be hard because you want to get things done! But it won’t be seamless. The best you can do is to stay as consistent as possible. Consider getting a baseline for how long your kids can play independently without interrupting you. Gradually build up their stamina from there!

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Mom life is complex,
but it doesn't have to be complicated.