
Mom life is complex, 
but it doesn't have to be complicated.




3 Ways to Tackle Mom-Life Overwhelm 

stressed mom who needs to learn how to be less overhwelmed by Mom-Life Strategist and parent coach, Erin Christopoulos of Mom Life Handbook

| A 3-Min. Read

How do you know if your mom life is overwhelming?  Well, if you ever have those days where you didn’t-sit-down-and-hardly-ate-anything-but-can’t-quite-explain-what-it-is-you-did-all-day kind of days, you’re overwhelmed.  Or maybe, you actually didn’t do anything because your to do list was so overwhelming that you successfully dodged it all day long by focusing on everything other than what was actually important.

When mom life is so overwhelmingly busy, you don’t have the capacity to keep up. So expecting yourself to be able to keep up with an overhaul to your routines on top of your everyday life is setting yourself up for failure.  And that’s the exact thing you don’t need in your life right now.

Less is more

So instead of believing that doing more will get you less overwhelm, it’s time to take a new approach to problem solving in your life.  Start by cutting out what’s unnecessary or unimportant.  If it all feels equally important, put everything into a hierarchical list.  Put what absolutely has to happen in order for the family to function at the top and work your way down.  

Start deleting less-important things or delegating them to someone else.  By committing to doing less, you’ll begin to see how you have more time + mental capacity than before.  That’s more space to breathe, relax + feel more at ease.  

Start Small

At some point in doing less, you’ll start to notice the meaningful ways you can make changes so that you’re less overwhelmed on a more consistent basis.  My recommendation is to start with small changes that you know will stick.

Since new habits take at least 30 days to become an integrated part of your everyday life, it’s important to go slow.  You’re right, there are going to be things that you know you could be doing differently but you can’t change them all at once otherwise you’ll land right back where you started.

So instead, give yourself permission to get to some changes later.  Start with some more pressing needs + identify those small, yet meaningful changes you can commit to right now + follow through on.  

Take It Easy

As you start to make these changes in your life, remember that if you cut the overwhelm but fill that newly created space with new commitments, you will continue to be…overwhelmed.  So instead, find ways to embrace an easier life.  If might not be that much easier, but I know that the ease can feel a little uncomfortable at first.  As if being at ease means that you’re failing to do a good job.  

Instead, try this on for size: You’re doing a good job which is allowing you to be at ease. 

Resources to Help Mom Life Overwhelm

I always want you to consider the Mom Life Handbook as your one-stop-shop for encouragement, support + practical resources.  And overcoming overwhelm is one of the hardest things to do alone.  So I want you to check out some more MLH resources designed to help you to take the small steps I covered here.

If you haven’t already, be sure to take the Focus-Finder quiz.  It’s a fun, interactive quiz that you can do in less than 2 minutes.  You’ll get personalized results that help you understand your strengths as a mom, as well as a PDF guide tailored to your mom type so that you know exactly which levers to pull as you focus on cutting out overwhelm in your life.

And if you want more support that will really help you get a fresh start on how you tackle overwhelm, be sure to check out the Mom Life Reset audio course.  It takes less than an hour + I walk you through all of the strategies you need to make mom life a whole lot easier.  

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Mom life is complex,
but it doesn't have to be complicated.