Discover The Meal Plan That Transformed My Life As A Busy Mom.

Discover The Meal Plan That TotallyTransformed My Life
As A Busy Mom.

It's time to unlock the secret to feeling your best—on even your busiest days. If you're ready to discover just how easy it can be to feel like the energized, vibrant mom you've always wanted to be, you're in the right place.

MY Secret to Stress-Free Meals


Use code ERINSAKARA to Save 20%

Ever feel like you're running on empty, barely scraping through the day but giving it your all for your family? I get it—mom life is relentless.

Sakara isn't just another meal; it's a lifeline of wholesome, nourishing fuel designed to turn your "just getting by" into "thriving, with ease."

Level up your fuel +  watch as everything else falls into place. Trust me, this is the game-changer your hectic life needs.

Transform Your Wellbeing as a Busy Mom—Without Added Stress

the ultimate, time-saving shortcut

the ultimate,
time-saving shortcut

If I can turn my health around as a busy mom, you can, too. 

After bloodwork revealed I was pre-diabetic, I knew I had to make a life-changing pivot. Sakara's nutrient-dense, fiber-rich meals not only tackled my low energy and brain fog but also fit seamlessly into my hectic life.

Use my promo code 'ERINSAKARA' to take the first step towards a healthier, more focused you.


This can be
your story, too.

Simply pick your meal plan and place an order online. Remember, use promo code 'ERINSAKARA' for an exclusive, 20%-off discount on your first order.

Order Online

Your meals will arrive fully prepared, right to your doorstep. Simply unbox them + store in the fridge for easy access all week long.

Doorstep Delivery

When it's mealtime, just grab + go. Spend those extra minutes getting more done, connecting with your family or putting your feet up.


No Cooking, No Fuss

The Signature Nutritional Program

Meet the game-changer for hectic mom life: Sakara's Signature Nutrition Program. Enjoy the freedom to choose 2-5 day plans tailored to your lifestyle—opt in for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or all three.

Subscribe and save 15%, making it easier than ever to fit nutritionally balanced, ready-to-eat meals into your busy schedule and budget. Trust me, it's self-care simplified.



Use code ERINSAKARA to Save 20%

My Go-To
Pantry Essentials
From Sakara

My Top Picks from Sakara's Pantry Essentials

super powder

Elevate your daily routine with this  whole-food blend that helps boost metabolism + curb sugar cravings.

beauty water
mineral drops

Turn any drink into a beauty elixir for glowing skin + strong hair, one dropper at a time.

detox tea

Sip your way to better digestion and immunity with this caffeine-free, citrusy blend of organic ingredients.


My absolute favorite, quick pick-me-up that enhances mood + focus—without the caffeine jitters.

detox protein
Super bars

Boost your glow + energy with these Vanilla-Tahini bars—your new favorite, on-the-go  mom snack.

dark chocolate

A crave-worthy cereal that keeps you focused + energized—your new pantry staple for busy mornings.






Results You simply
Can't Refuse

Real Change

Elevate your mental clarity, helping you make better decisions and be more present in your moments.

Enjoy more radiant skin and a glowing complexion, boosting your confidence in both personal and professional settings.

Equip yourself to care for your family, excel in your career, and nurture meaningful relationships by investing in your own well-being through Sakara.

Enhance your mental clarity and focus through high-quality ingredients—making multitasking a breeze for busy moms.

Experience an energy boost that helps you manage your day's demands, from work to family, with grace and efficiency.


Use code ERINSAKARA to Save 20%

Sakara's meals not only taste amazing
but also boost my focus & energy,
making me a better mom,
partner + entrepreneur.

 Like so many of us, Danielle + Whitney also struggled with food + well-being before finding their game-changer: the healing power of plants.

What began as a personal mission, delivering their transformative meals on bikes, has now blossomed into a nation-wide community providing holistic wellness essentials, right to your doorstep.

Meet Danielle & Whitney—
The Powerhouse Mom Duo Behind Sakara.

2 founders who just get it.

Streamlined Nutrition

Time-Saving Convenience

Flexible Scheduling

Mental Clarity & Energy

Digestive Harmony

Improved Sleep

With Sakara, You'll Access—

No need to stress about meal planning or grocery shopping—get balanced, nutrient-rich meals delivered right to your door.

Reclaim hours every week by eliminating the need to cook, giving you more time with your family (or, even, for self-care).

The power to adapt your meal program to your family's ever-changing schedule, all with just a few clicks.

Experience increased focus + stamina to tackle your hectic day, from morning drop-offs to evening homework help.

Enjoy specially-formulated meals that are easy on your gut, free from dairy and gluten, reducing bloating and promoting digestive regularity.

Sakara's integrative meals are designed to support your natural circadian rhythms + relieve sleep-disrupting inflammation.


Use code ERINSAKARA to Save 20%

Sakara is not just
a meal delivery service.

Sakara is not just a meal delivery service.

If you're overwhelmed by mom life and in desperate need of a reset, Sakara is your lifeline for inside-out transformation, developed by women who've been in your shoes.

Sakara is where lasting change is not just possible but also incredibly delicious.

I'm your go-to resource for thriving, not just surviving, motherhood. Through Mom Life Handbook, I offer tailored, practical solutions that bring intention and ease into your life as a busy mom.

Just like you, I value my time, health, and family, which is why I swear by Sakara's convenient, nutritious meals. I'm so excited for you to experience the transformative power of truly nourishing food, just like I did.


Freeze Meals

Got extra meals? I love to freeze breakfasts + entrees so I have them on hand for future use.

Double Up

Many Sakara entrées are generously portioned. Try splitting one into two lunches.

ENJOY Family Style

Add extra protein to Sakara salads + serve them as a hearty family meal.

Ready-Made Sides

Use Sakara salads as convenient, prepared side dishes for dinners—no more buying all the extra ingredients!

Which Sakara Plan
Is Right For YOU?

Take the Sakara Nutrition Quiz to pinpoint the program that aligns with your unique health goals and mom life challenges.

You're not alone on this journey; let Sakara guide you to your optimal well-being.

take the quiz →

Is Sakara Really Worth the Investment?

Absolutely. Consider the average cost of a DoorDash order, which often consists of food that is neither nutritious nor beneficial for your health. A Sakara meal, delivered to your door, costs roughly the same but provides a balanced, high-quality, plant-based meal designed to support not just you but your whole family's well-being. It's more than just food; it's an investment in a healthier, happier future for everyone you care about.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Can I Make Sakara Work for My Family Budget?

I used to question this all the time, too.  Of course, remember that you can save 20% with my promo code 'ERINSAKARA,' making it an even more accessible choice for you.

Also, they have an incredible rewards program  that allows you to redeem points for $75 off meal delivery—that's like getting 50% off an order of 5 dinner entrees!  

Third, in all my years of using Sakara, there are a few other ways I've learned to stretch my investment + make the most out of every order.  Click here to learn how I  maximize each + every Sakara purchase!

What if I'm Too Busy to Commit to a New Meal Program?

This is what I love about Sakara as a busy mom: they understans the chaos of mom life. That's why their program is incredibly flexible. You can change meal frequency, swap out meals, and even pause your subscription with just a click. Imagine having nourishing meals on hand, without the stress of planning, shopping, and cooking—freeing up your time for what really matters.

Don't wait for the "right time" to start eating healthier—it'll never come. Jumpstart your wellness journey with a premium, convenient service designed to get you on track, stress-free.


Use code ERINSAKARA to Save 20%